This is the small ICD2 clone. It has less than credit card size on a single side PCB and no external power require communicate with PC via RS232 port.
With this ICD2 you can debug/program PICMicro devices and dsPICs
This project no external power requires becuase it use power supply from target board and use PWM to generate high voltage for Vpp . frequency about 38KHz.
I use PIC12C508A to generate PWM becuase it inexpensive and no external component requires.PIC12F508A must programed with file name eICD2_508A.hex
The main CPU for this ICD2 use PIC16F876A and the boot loader for this CPU is ICD661.hex .If you want to use with PIC16F876 this file not work .
BL010101.hex in c:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\ICD2 should be use for PIC16F876 but I not test.
This circuit work with PIC16F876A and PIC16F876 with different boot loader version.
This project test with MPLAB 6.5 it work fine.But not work with MPLAB 7.11 and another version I not test.
Schematic for ICD2 clone
To use this ICD2 If MCLR pin is weak-pulled up to Vdd at the target, this resistor has to be removed when the ICD2 is connected since our ICD2 isn't able to pull this pin to ground.
You can download zipped file at the buttom of this page. - circuit - PCB - BOM All files are pdf format .